Nathaniel’s Find

Nathaniel, also known as Bartholomew, was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples. The Bible records how Jesus found many of the other disciples and said to them “Follow me.” Nathaniel’s story, however, is a little different. [John 1:43-51] tells us what happened. Jesus finds Phillip who accepts the invitation to follow Him. Phillip then finds Nathaniel … More Nathaniel’s Find

Strength of Three Strands P2: Fellowship and Character

The friendships I have appreciated most are those that have built character in me. These are friendships that have taught me patience, self-control, gentleness, humility and love. Furthermore, I treasure fellowship with those who have intentionally sought to build God-like character in me. These are God-fearing friends who have walked with me, encouraged me, and … More Strength of Three Strands P2: Fellowship and Character